I am curious what exactly are the basic skills for each class ? First of all, I am quite unsure of what some of the skills for my own class do and second, if I want to play lets say ranger next time, I have no idea what they are capable of:
Warrior basic skills:
Attack - Increase attack and decrease defense
Defence - Increase defense and decrease attack
Charge - Strong first attack
Mercenary captain - Allows to recruit more mercenaries
Well, the last two are pretty much self explanatory, with charge you put up to 5 points, which gives you 60% stronger first attack. I find this skill least usefull in the long run because it also takes up to 30 points of spirit and my spirit is very limited and the damage inflicted in the first turn is not so significant in the course of battle
Attack and defense interplay are still a mystery to me
Each point to this skill increases the % bonus (2, 4, 8, 12, 20). I assume if I check attack stance before going to battle and I have level 5, this increases the damage I inflict in each successful hit by 20 % - i.e if I hit for 20 normally, I will hit for 24 now.
But what does that have to do with decreased defence - I mean does the description mean that you just cant increase both at the same time, or the use of increased attack has actually any effect on your defence - meaning if I hit 20% harder, am I also 10% more vulnarable to enemy attacks ?
And of course, I am unhappy with the fact I cant use both at the same time
I mean, I understand that they are kind of opposite things, but I dont know if other classes also have such mutually exclusive skills - where its only or the other, because otherwise I dont think its fair to warriors.
And last but not least, will we have more skills to develop and choose from ( I bet, we will) because I have found out some people save their points to invest in them later (smart decision if those skills are better !)
So, I think it will be great if some ranger and mystic also can share their skills, it would help me a lot in understanding how other characters work which is important not only if you are to later fight in a team but even if you are trying to hire a merc for example... I had no idea what skills mystics have and I hired one with inner concentration expecting it to heal me
(This is not worse than colonizing in a row, right