I partially disagree with your opinion, but this time you did some good explanation for your position. Thanks.
Woodcutting is halfway between gathering minerals and curing pelts into leather.
Getting raw wood is similar to gathering minerals, but you use only one to produce the finished pieces of wood (sorry, no idea of how they are called in the English version of the game). You can gather 1 kind of wood between level 5-9, 2 kinds between 10-19, 3 kinds between 20-29 (and so on, I suppose).
You use between 3 and 6 units (sometime of different kinds of wood) to build a weapon and some armour recipe require wood. Fast gathering and medium usage I would say. Your skill point can go up very fast if you want (both as a woodcutter than a weapon smith as it will allow you to build a lot of wooden weapon with about 3 AP [1 for gathering the wood, 1 to cut it, 1 to build the weapon]).
Edit: "raw" wood to "refined" wood use 2 resources to produce 1, so approximately
4 AP to produce a wooden weapon (with a premium account).
I still think that access to light pelts is restricted too fast as you can gather them without malus for 5 levels against 10 levels for all the other materials and after getting to level 15 it appear to be impossible (something that don't happen to any other profession).
At this point your reasoning is clear (and I hope mine is too) so we can agree that we disagree.
What you mentioned about diamonds compared to light leather is a bit out of place. Diamonds' price goes up because there is slow raise of supply, almost steady demand and overflow of money. If it has been a slow raise of supply, almost steady demand and slow raise of money, the price would already have been stabilized. That's what I proposed in the post you linked and I don't understand how it could be helped by overflowing the market with leather.
Probably my post was a bit unclear. It was a larger argument about gathering material as a way to get money to buy diamonds.
Currently the only gathered material that is accessible only to low level characters and is still needed for high level characters are the light pelts. so the (relatively) high price.
So I was hypnotising something very alternative to the other idea, a change in the game in the opposite direction of the main suggestion of this series of posts giving a bit more power in the market to low level characters.
The idea was to make at least 1 resource of every kind available only to characters of a specific tier, so that they would "control" a resource useful to sell to higher level character, giving them a source of income that could be used to buy diamonds.
This is totally disjointed from the other argument. The only similitude was that changing it this way all the other profession would have their equivalent of "light leather".
P.S.: I didn't quite understand what you said about EVE. If you could explain a bit, I would be happy to answer.
Nothing important.
"Go Play WoW", "You play Wow" ecc. as a disparaging term is very used in the EVE forum (it is a space MMORPG) and what you wrote was very similar in tone.
Joust a last "inflammatory" comment
Why all characters can get bones when they kill a animal? Shouldn't they be limited to tanners like hides?