I've been thinking that all the rangers are going for javelins and this is just SILLY

because in the end, it simply becomes an arms-race to see who has the best weapon

, therefore deal most damage in the first 12 rounds.
IS THERE NO ALTERNATIVE to mindless stick-throwing
betting everything on the first 12 rounds 
Recently, Ranger X attacked every member in my guild and defeated... NO ONE.
I'm was surprised because ranger X
had everything from sticks (jav) to armor lvl 18s with yellow glows (epic?). 
THAT must have cost a FORTUNE!

Personally, I have no kind of money like that .
Everyone in my guild uses rare items at best, but they all won.
Now, why is this?
Because ranger X was so caught up in filling me up with holes with his/her EPIC items but inevitably lost because myself and others survived the 12 rounds and then 'skinned him/her alive'

when her damage is halved.
My theory of avoiding making the game an arms-race?
2 daggers each with a >10% critical hit bonus, 20% dex and agility from each of the weapons.
So because you have a total of 40% dex and agility increase from the weapons, the rest of the points can go towards vitality etc etc.
70% critcal hit chance (max 50% critical hit and dodge
from points + 20%
from weapons) + retaliate (let's say, +10%) + ambush (let's say, +10%) = total: 90% critical??!
High dex and agility = javelins have higher chance of missing in the first 12 rounds
*heart*High health (for rangers) = to last longer than the stick-thrower.
BANE OF Javelin rangers WITHOUT the
boring arms-race.

What do
YOU think?