Author Topic: E-mal verification - no link  (Read 3229 times)

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Offline Jago

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E-mal verification - no link
« on: February 08, 2010, 12:30:30 PM »
When I do the procedure to verify my  e-mail I get your communication but my provider (it is a university address) remove the lingk, making it impossible to validate the e-mail.

Could you send the address in extended form and not only as a link so that it will be possible to copi-paste it in a browser to verify the mail?

Character: Wuxing, Italian version of the game.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 11:11:13 PM by Jago »

Offline Jago

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Re: E-mal verification - no link
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2010, 11:46:24 PM »
And Tiscali don't work for the confirmation  :(

I have confirmed the mail several times and it still ask for confirmation a few minutes after I relog.


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Re: E-mal verification - no link
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 07:46:43 PM »
First of all, you should refrain from posting a question in more than one places.

Now to the point, it really is annoying when it happens but programmers right now work on a major update and their schedule is a bit tight. Please give them some time.

Offline Jago

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Re: E-mal verification - no link
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2010, 11:48:46 PM »
So no solution for both problems?

It can seem minor to you, but it quash the interest in the game very fast as it practically require you to close the pop up every time you do any clicking in game.


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Re: E-mal verification - no link
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 12:20:09 AM »
It is not actually two problems, but one. We all experience the same pop-ups from time to time but personally I only got them 4-5 times so far for the last 3 days or so. Just asked the pop-up to send me an e-mail and ignored the whole process.

What I'm asking you is to be a bit patient 'cause there are gonna be changes ingame that need a great deal of work by the programmers and, positive or not as it may be, they have greater priority than the pop-up window.

Offline Jago

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Re: E-mal verification - no link
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2010, 09:31:02 AM »
No, they are 2 problems:

1) attempting to confirm through tiscali (and only tiscali in my experience)  don't work. Other providers work. So probably it is not a programming problem but something that can be resolved speaking with them. 

If it is a programming problem it affect only some account.

2) the provider removing the link for security reasons can be resolved easily sending the destination address in a extended form and not only as a link. Almost certainly that kind of change don't require a developer to work on it  but can be done by an assistant with the right access.

It would be easier to wait patiently if the character was a miner or a woodcutter. Give the order "mine for 24 AP" and move to the next day. But he is a tanner. No "gather pelts" order.

"Just asked the pop-up to send me an e-mail and ignored the whole process."

So the only stop gap solution is to spam my e-mail address to avoid the pop up for one session? Sad but better than nothing.

Offline Tarrasque

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Re: E-mal verification - no link
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 10:45:29 PM »
No, they are 2 problems:

1) attempting to confirm through tiscali (and only tiscali in my experience)  don't work. Other providers work. So probably it is not a programming problem but something that can be resolved speaking with them. 

If it is a programming problem it affect only some account.

2) the provider removing the link for security reasons can be resolved easily sending the destination address in a extended form and not only as a link. Almost certainly that kind of change don't require a developer to work on it  but can be done by an assistant with the right access.

It would be easier to wait patiently if the character was a miner or a woodcutter. Give the order "mine for 24 AP" and move to the next day. But he is a tanner. No "gather pelts" order.

"Just asked the pop-up to send me an e-mail and ignored the whole process."

So the only stop gap solution is to spam my e-mail address to avoid the pop up for one session? Sad but better than nothing.
Every time I log in the game, it asks me to validate my e-mail, and even already validated the e-mail more then 20 times, it keeps asking for it. For me, it's not much trouble, since it only asks once per session.
Fixing it doesn't seem hard to do, but I guess the programmers can't just do a fix and put it on-line. Even the most insignificant change in the code requires extensive tests and observation to make sure it doesn't mess up with something else, and I think that's why they can't spare some time to fix this. Also, I guess they wait for few fixes to release a patch, instead releasing it one by one.
Anyway, it's annoying, but I would prefer a major update then few little fixes. But that's me.