Author Topic: bound items to mercs  (Read 2998 times)

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Offline Sanosama

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bound items to mercs
« on: February 10, 2010, 10:32:45 PM »
I had to redo my skill points cause the game has got to the point where there is no way to keep going without mercs. never used em before so I have questions.

Does the armor bound to the merc I am using stay bound to only that merc and no other or can I dismiss that merc and use the same armor for another one.

Do I have to pay a fee ever time I use said merc and the hourly wage or is it one in the same.

and if its both is the hr wage taken out automatically or do I need to pay it some where.

Oh and if I dismiss the merc and the armor I have is only bound to that merc will that said merc ever come back into rotation to be used again so I can but said armor back on it??


Offline Geomaticus

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Re: bound items to mercs
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 10:59:32 PM »
You have lots of questions!
Many of your questions will be answered as you experiment with your mercs, but to save you some time and gold, here is some help:

  • Yes, items will bind to your merc, and will remain bound even after they are dismissed. The binding only happens after the first battle
  • The wage isn't hourly, it's per job. When your merc fights, you pay. If you merc stays outside the dungeon and doesn't fight, he/she will remain your employee for free. If you are raided in a dangerous province, ALL your mercs will help you fight. I'm not sure if you need to pay them wages for this situation.....
  • The gold must be in your pocket in order for the merc to fight with you in a dungeon. If you tell a merc to fight and you don't have the gold, you will enter the battle alone (and probably die). They will sit beside the battlefield and laugh at your rotting corpse. Many times, I requested my mercs to fight with me and didn't notice that I had too little gold to pay their wages. The bastards let me die.
  • The armour will remain bound to that that merc forever (just like the stuff bound to your fighter). Once that merc is dismissed, that merc will never be available again and all the equipment will be junk. I suggest you think carefully before you dismiss your merc.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
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Offline Sanosama

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Re: bound items to mercs
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 12:38:04 AM »
yep that was perfect I appreciate the help. So I must chose my mercs carefully from here on out.


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Re: bound items to mercs
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 03:07:08 AM »
When you defend only alive mercs that came with you at dungeon help you to the battle and is for free (when their life are in danger they become less greedy...)

Also if you dismiss a merc and the new one is named the same, you cannot equip him with the old one's equipment, but you will see that are bound to (name of both mercs)...

Offline Sanosama

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Re: bound items to mercs
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2010, 09:18:22 AM »
Do you lose a percentage of XP when you take a merc with you.

Offline chevalier

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Re: bound items to mercs
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2010, 09:31:14 AM »
Yes.. The experience gained from battle is divided equally among the mercenaries that you have selected at a particular battle. If you select only 1 it will be divided between you and him.

Another very important thing is that you should check their attributer which are in a particular ratio. As the mercenary advances its level the attributes increase in same ratio. I didnt know this before and this cost me lot of gold... >:(

Offline Sanosama

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Re: bound items to mercs
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 10:13:42 PM »
another question I have 3 mercs I went into a multi stage dungeon and I fought the first three rounds by myself to save money and then I picked 1 of the 3 mercs after this I could not select my other 2 mercs why??

Offline Geomaticus

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Re: bound items to mercs
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2010, 06:01:43 AM »
Your effort to save money is what killed you.
You cannot fight with a merc that was not paid to fight the previous round. Basically, if you don't pay for them to be there, they leave you and wait for you outside the dungeon - you continue on to the next round and they are no longer with you. If you want to have your mercs with you for round 5, you must pay their wages and fight with them for rounds 1~4 also.
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