Well, the problems lies in the top left avatar, right. And it happens since the recent changes to it. I remember that the old avatar used Flash and then noticed the current one is using JPG image.
Actually, I have experienced a related problem here. Not an identical one, but I think the cause is quite the same.
http://forum.imperialhero.org/int/index.php?topic=7482.0Sadly, some people (including Moderator) just accuse me of creating fake problem

. And why would I have to do that? I still have a many other things to do than just fooling around like that. It's has been locked though, so I can do anything about it. But really, it's quite disappointing response for me. I just wanted to help improving the game cause I love this game.
You can try my trick, maybe can be any help. I discover my problem is about the browser cache. Somehow the browser just using the outdated old cache file for that picture. Try to delete the related file from the cache (or just empty your whole cache if you have fast connection). This should solve the problem. Well, at least, mine is solved.