Author Topic: How armor works.  (Read 2428 times)

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How armor works.
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:13:58 PM »
I didn't know in which category this one falls into so I'll post it here, although is not a bug per se. In the game's FAQ (How to play) there are two things that are described as "capped" or limited if you wish, % crit rate and % block whereas, looking at it there is a third one. Armor. Do try and explain there how armor works. In the sense that you won't get "1 less point of damage for every 15 armor" but you get "1 less point of damage for every 15 armor and you will get hit for the  (maximum damage-armor/15) or minimum damage whichever is bigger " at the very least. So basically, at one point, for certain conditions, more armor is useless and you'd best look for alternate means to mitigate damage (health pool, block etc.). Yeah, it took me a while to understand why the game was "cheating". :)
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Re: How armor works.
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2010, 04:31:46 PM »
And the question is? :)
Yes, you will always get hited for minimum damage, no matter you have 5 times more armor. But when critical hit hapens, your armor is very useful.


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Re: How armor works.
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 04:42:24 PM »
I guess for a 10th time maybe?! we gotta say in here that F.A.Q is being updated, and that there is also an IHHelp that we are still developing... Is it necessary to do explain this every time?

Except of your personal wishes, there are other things that must be done with way much higher priority. I truly hope this will make sense to you.

Yes, you will always get hit for minimum damage, no matter if you have 5 times more armor. But when critical hit happens, your armor is very useful.
That's right.

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Re: How armor works.
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 06:02:04 PM »
I didn't expressed any wishes, I didn't asked any questions. I did said that this is not a bug but I do belive that incomplete information is just as bad as wrong information. Now I also understood that the Online help is work on progress but I don't know if that means more stuff is being added, the stuff put in will be worked on or both.

Quoting from it


- Each piece of armor the hero wears gives him a defense value.
- The total armor represents the sum of all armor equipment the hero wears.
- Armor reduces the damage the hero takes from opponents.
- Every 15 points of armor decrease damage done to the hero by 1 point.

Example: If the opponent's weapon inflicts 20 base damage and the hero's armor is 30, then, if the opponent's hit is successful, he will hit the hero for 18 damage."

The part with getting hit for the lesser between (maximum weapon damage-armor/15) and (minimum weapon damage) is not there. I thought the information is relevant and worth to be put in the help. It didn't really struck me as common, obvious knowledge. Me knowing it, the presence or absence of the information for me, personally, it makes no difference. I thought this is the place to post if you want to help and that's what I'm trying to do. Alas, I should have just shut the hell up since it seems I troubled at least two people. I mean two people with this post. What I understood from reading the rules for posting bugs is "be as specific as possible" and obviously "don't spam". Did I do it wrong ? Do you want feed back or not ?
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Re: How armor works.
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 06:52:58 PM »
It will be done, thnx on info. It isnt that better you shut up. We just have a lot things to do. so we must follow priority.
Thats original info i wrote allready and it will be put in other part of that FAQ:
"How is damage calculated:
Damage = Maximum damage of weapon(including all bonuses) - damage reduced by total armor
If that damage is higher then minimum damage of weapon, then that damage is applied in successful hit.
If that damage is lower then minimum damage of weapon, then minimum damage of weapon is applied.
Critical hit multiplies maximum damage with 3. Then armor is applied. And the rest is the same as in normal hit."