Phalanx is battle formation more complicated that Roman testudo ... Many times in Greek a Hoplite soldier as referred as "Φαλαγγίτης" (falagetes) means he who participate to a phalanx formation... Finally every Hoplite was responsible for his own shield (hoplon) and it's decoration, this was provide a relative freedom to shield but the same type was preferred. And knowing that game developers they leave up to you to choose your shield...

P.S. Dude it's a game, and since it's not historical game like total war series or emulator, we can not ask perfection on this matter.
Why Swordsman's Regime does not have sword? i can be equipped with it and a mace...
There is no set with shield coz this way it would be too specialized...

By the way me and Cuorion are Greeks and we never thought about the shield... do not know if this is good or bad...
and finally
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As always no offense...