They can not resist me !!! I am the man !!! (not really but it feels good to show off

Team 1 Team 2
Name : Isolde
Level : 23
Class : Warrior
Damage(MIN) : 40.35
Damage(MAX) : 88.795
Range : 0
Critical Chance : 14%
Block percentage : 49.8%
Armor : 991.1
Items' Agility Modifyer: -20%
Items' Dextirity Modifyer: 0%
Name : Czesio
Level : 23
Class : Warrior
Damage(MIN) : 78.445
Damage(MAX) : 184.73
Range : 0
Critical Chance : 4%
Block percentage : 34%
Armor : 912
Items' Agility Modifyer: -20%
Items' Dextirity Modifyer: 0%
Round 1
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Czesio. Level difference modifyer is 1 .
Czesio block percent is 24
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 1889.65 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio doesn't have an opponent, therefore he chooses Isolde. Level difference modifyer is 1 .
Isolde block percent is 43.8
Czesio 4/43.8 Block successful..
Round 2
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde 22/24 Block successful..
Isolde hits Czesio for 30.6 and he is left with 1859.05 health.
Isolde prefourmed Shield Bash.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 2522.34 health.
Round 3
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 1818.7 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 2403.69 health.
Round 4
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 205.585 and he is left with 1613.12 health.A critical hit is performed 3/14!
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 36/43.8 Block successful..
Round 5
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 1572.77 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 2285.03 health.
Round 6
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 205.585 and he is left with 1367.18 health.A critical hit is performed 3/14!
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 2166.37 health.
Round 7
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 1326.83 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 2047.72 health.
Round 8
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde 1/24 Block successful..
Isolde hits Czesio for 91.8 and he is left with 1235.03 health.A critical hit is performed 14/14!
Isolde prefourmed Shield Bash.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 1929.06 health.
Round 9
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde 6/24 Block successful..
Isolde hits Czesio for 30.6 and he is left with 1204.43 health.
Isolde prefourmed Shield Bash.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 1810.4 health.
Round 10
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 1164.08 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 1691.75 health.
Round 11
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 205.585 and he is left with 958.5 health.A critical hit is performed 10/14!
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 1573.09 health.
Round 12
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 918.15 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 13/43.8 Block successful..
Round 13
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde 17/24 Block successful..
Isolde hits Czesio for 91.8 and he is left with 826.35 health.A critical hit is performed 13/14!
Isolde prefourmed Shield Bash.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 1454.43 health.
Round 14
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde 22/24 Block successful..
Isolde hits Czesio for 30.6 and he is left with 795.75 health.
Isolde prefourmed Shield Bash.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 5/43.8 Block successful..
Round 15
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde 18/24 Block successful..
Isolde hits Czesio for 30.6 and he is left with 765.15 health.
Isolde prefourmed Shield Bash.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 1/43.8 Block successful..
Round 16
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 724.8 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 33/43.8 Block successful..
Round 17
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 684.45 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 1335.78 health.
Round 18
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 644.1 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 24/43.8 Block successful..
Round 19
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 603.75 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 21/43.8 Block successful..
Round 20
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 563.4 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 38/43.8 Block successful..
Round 21
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 523.05 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 29/43.8 Block successful..
Round 22
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 205.585 and he is left with 317.46 health.A critical hit is performed 11/14!
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 20/43.8 Block successful..
Round 23
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 205.585 and he is left with 111.88 health.A critical hit is performed 9/14!
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 7/43.8 Block successful..
Round 24
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 40.35 and he is left with 71.53 health.
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio 40/43.8 Block successful..
Round 25
Team 1 takes turn
Isolde hits Czesio for 205.585 and he is left with -134.06 health.A critical hit is performed 11/14!
Team 2 takes turn
Czesio hits Isolde for 118.65666666667 and he is left with 1217.12 health.
Czesio has been defeated!
Team 1 is victorious!
Isolde battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks : 25/31
Damage Done : 2064.06
Critical hits done : 8
Czesio battle statistics:
Successful/Attacks : 12/25
Damage Done : 1423.88
Critical hits done : 0