Author Topic: Error message to add Skype 3.8 IE startup Internet Explorer 8  (Read 5279 times)

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Error message to add Skype 3.8 IE startup Internet Explorer 8: "Internet Explorer 8 is in special mode with no additives, so that you can solve a problem of compatibility with the additive Skype 3.8 IE"
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On this stranitsaSIMPTOMI
Option 1: Update to latest version of Skype for Windows
Option 2: Turn additive Skype 3.8 IE
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SIMPTOMINa your computer is installed Skype 3.8 for Windows. When you start Windows Int ... on your computer is installed Skype 3.8 for Windows. When you start Windows Internet Explorer 8 receive the following error message:
Internet Explorer 8 is in a special "no additives" so that you can solve a problem of compatibility with the additive Skype 3.8 IE:
This incompatibility leads to the fact that Internet Explorer 8 stops responding or crashes.

Note Skype 3.8 IE add-on for Internet Explorer is designed to add additional functionality to Internet Explorer. It is possible, however, this additive is not compatible with a version of Internet Explorer 8.
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RAZREShENIEZa To resolve this incompatibility, use one of the following op ... To resolve this incompatibility, use one of the following two options.
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Option 1: Update to latest version of Skype for Windows
To update to the latest version of Skype for Windows, go to the following website Skype: (
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Option 2: Turn additive Skype 3.8 IE
To disable add Skype 3.8 IE, follow these steps:
Close all windows of Internet Explorer.
Open a new window of Internet Explorer.
When you receive the message mentioned in the "Symptoms" section, click Always open the Internet Explorer without this additive.

Note After you click Always open the Internet Explorer without that bonus, Internet Explorer 8 does not add charges for Skype. Will still be able to use program Skype, to call people. You will not however click phone numbers on Web pages to call people via Skype.
Note diagnosing and resolving this problem may be used and Microsoft services for automatic troubleshooting. For more information about Microsoft services for automatic troubleshooting, see the following article:
Internet Explorer "freezes or crashes (
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BIBLIOGRAFIYaZa more information on additives for browser, see the following websites ... For more information on additives for browser, see the following Web sites of Microsoft:

What influence do browser add-ons for my computer? ( vista / How-do-browser-add-ons-affect-my-computer)
Use of additives Manager for Internet Explorer 8 ( vista/Using-the-Internet-Explorer-8-Add-on-Manager)
Why does Internet Explorer block some ActiveX controls? ( vista / Why-does-Internet-Explorer-block-some-ActiveX-controls)
Should I install ActiveX controls? ( install-ActiveX-controls)
Additives for Internet Explorer: FAQ ( Internet-Explorer-add-ons-frequently-asked-questions)
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Keywords: kbaddin kbhowto kb3rdpartysoftware kbfaq kbexpertisebeginner kbsurveynew kbprb KB968129

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« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 12:54:53 PM by harito52 »