Quote from: Jago on Today at 01:13:17 PM
"Stone Cutter and Tanner Nerfing 2010-06-29 13:08:56
As of today, June 29th, 2010 the crafting tool bonus for Stone Cutter and Tanner for processing raw resources will be halved. Legendary Tools will now give 25% and Rare - 15%"
Someone can explain the reason behind such nerfing?
Stone cutters and Tanner already don't have items giving a bonus to the harvesting of resources, tanners have a malus when trying to harvest resources in a location with monsters whit a lover level than them and now you add a further nerf.
Re: Stone Cutter and Tanner Nerfing
« Reply #1 on: Today at 01:25:28 PM »
Because they are currently producing insane amounts of resources which is flooding the market and is bad for the economy.
It's one of those measures your government makes from time to time to regulate the market, so some people don't lose massive amounts of money one day and then - throw themselves from tall buildings.
Trust me, it's good for everyone.
Right now the gemstones and the hides prices are so low the Stonecutters and the Tanners are actually not working for profit at all.
1) Stonecutters are flooding the gem market because of the mechanic you have implemented to get the ruby and sapphires. To get them we we can't dig directly for them but have to dig for other gems. So to get 1 sapphire or ruby I will end digging 10 other gems that I don't need.
This mechanic make the other gems a byproduct of searching for the higher order gems.
Reducing the production of the other finished gems and especially doing it this way will not help.
We will need the same number of success success cutting gems to get to higher tiers of the profession, so will will cut more low value gems and produce more, not less, gems.
2)Tier 3 resources, unrefined: Iron ore = 1.325; Silver ore = 4.500; Ruby = 3.296; Yew wood = 895; Heavy pelt= 199; light bones = 239
Tier 3 resources, refined: Iron ingot = 3.800; Silver Ingot = 6.500; Ruby gem = 3.500;
Crafted Yew = 650; Heavy leather = 500; Crafted light bones = 470 Tier 2 resources, unrefined Tin ore = 870; Sapphire = 950; Ash wood = 799; Medium hides= 235;
Tier 2 resources, refined:
Tin ingot = 899; Bronze Ingot = 2.000; Sapphire gem = 1.740;
Crafted ash = 799; Medium leather = 599;;
Rough sharpening stone = 50 tick sharpening stone = 898;
Tier 1 resources, unrefined: Coal = 890; Copper ore = 650;Oak wood = 499;
Light hides = 5.000;; Soft sharpening stone = 650, uncut gems 2.000-2.500
Tier 1 resources, refined: Copper ingot = 1.000;
Light leather = 3.450; crafted oak = 630; Cut gems 2.00-2.500 (opal = 1.000)
Comparing like to like I don't see this "low prices for hides and gems", with the notable exception of light pelts/hides
Or we will see a nerf to wodcutting in the near future too?
3) Why you have locked the thread? this is a discussion board or not?