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Messages - Geomaticus

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General Talk / Re: Translation....
« on: April 11, 2010, 06:28:45 PM »
Thanks for the translation. I haven't been able to find any good online translators that will give me a reasonable explanation for the texts I have been receiving.

As for the attack, yes, it was in a dangerous province. I had no idea how much gold they were holding - sometimes they are holding a 1 million gold, sometimes they are holding 1000 gold, and sometimes I lose the fight! It's a gamble.

General Talk / Re: Translation....
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:35:59 PM »
I made another friend today, and they sent me this text. After that, they sent me 1 gold! What does this text say??

Какъв беше смисъла от цялата работа? Спечели 270 злато, незнам дали ще ти покрие поправката на инвентара. Слагам те в списъка с враговете, рано или късно ще платиш за вероломството си.

Player sent you 1 gold.

Дано забогатееш


It sounds like you are viewing your storyline and it's steps before you have gotten to those steps. When viewing your storyline quests in advance, like the screen below, then you will NOT see what you will need to craft. When you have completed the first 5 tasks, then the 6th task will have complete instructions. In the example below, I have completed 6/11, but I am previewing the 10th task.

If you have already completed the required crafting in that step, and have moved on to the next one, the storyline removes the text and will again show only dots (...) where the name of the required crafting was. In the screen below, I had to craft 5 rare steel plate armours.

Regarding the Ice Axe task  (shown in the screen below), you must visit the multi-stage dungeon called The Ice Axe in the Falar Province (the no-mans province in the NorthWest corner of the map). Ice Axe is in the northeast corner of Falar.

I hope that helps!

Bugs / Re: Questbook bug
« on: April 08, 2010, 05:31:18 AM »
You can see every step from the story line since it changed it's design by simply clicking the step of choice. That does not mean that you can jump steps.

I am aware that you can view the steps of a storyline, but that has nothing to do with the bug I am reporting.

The bug I am reporting is that the storyline that is shown from my questbook drop-down does not match the one displayed. I select my current storyline from the dropdown list (a Tier 4 elite mission), and instead I am shown a Tier 2 storyline that I completed months ago. Note the image I included. It shows a Tier 4 storyline in the drop-down list, but the story diagram shown is a Tier 2 story.
I am ONLY able to see the correct diagram for the storyline from the original tavern that issued the storyline quest, not from my questbook.

Texts / Re: Text correction
« on: April 07, 2010, 12:28:37 PM »
It still says province Falar, but doesn't state Imperial City, or Ayarr Empire.

And I know that the Empire isn't in the province -- but I thought that what they were trying to state was the Nation and Province that we were being sent to (in that order).

Texts / Re: Text correction
« on: April 07, 2010, 04:50:33 AM »
It was kinda fixed......

They replaced the Red text I showed with 3 periods (...) . So it is no longer incorrect, but it doesn't look as good as it could.

Bugs / Questbook bug
« on: April 07, 2010, 04:48:37 AM »
I've only had this bug with the new storyline for Imperial City. The Elite Mission for Tier 4.

I went to my Questbook - storyline tab, and saw the following....

That ain't right! Notice the background image. The 'treasure map' for the storyline shows that I have completed the route and received the final prize. When I click the final task, it shows a storyline for tier 2, not Tier 4. The Tier 4 storyline is only 5/11 completed.

I've tried clicking on the drop-down list for storylines and selecting The Armour Bearer storyline, but it still shows this one.

The only time I can see the actual storyline (for this new Elite T4 storyline) is from the Imperial City tavern - not from my questbook.

Bugs / Re: Crating blue item yielding zero crafting points.
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:45:40 PM »
Andy is correct, but he sent you to a different post than I would have. The FAQ states it much clearer...

Point #5 of the Crafting section says:

After reaching 300 crafting points in a particular profession - only the crafted legendary items (those which have 2 modifiers) give CP.

The FAQ is here:
Imperial Hero International > General Category > Questions > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I consider this question answered...


Texts / Text correction
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:50:07 AM »
Tier 4 - Elite Mission - Quests Step 4/11

Task: Gather 57 Very Heavy Hides in Imperial City, province Falar. Return to Imperial City’s tavern for your reward.

This should probably read:

Task: Gather 57 Very Heavy Hides in Ayarr Empire, province Falar. Return to Imperial City’s tavern for your reward.

Imperial City is one of the provinces, so you were saying that we should gather hides in two provinces.

Equipment / Re: where do i find / get...?
« on: April 03, 2010, 08:42:55 PM »
You can search for them in the resources market although I cannot guarantee there will be some there.
What makes me curious enough to ask is that you are talking about tier 5 materials of your profession (obviously required for a craft attempt). How did you make it to tier 5 crafting if you don't even know how do get the required materials...? ???

This player may have been awarded or found a recipe and now has decided to start crafting - but until now has focused on other aspects of the game.....

General Talk / MOVED: Suggestion
« on: April 01, 2010, 10:30:17 PM »

General Talk / Translation....
« on: March 31, 2010, 11:00:37 PM »
A victim sent me this message after I destroyed them in a red province....but I don't know what it says.
I understand English and French, and this isn't either of those languages.

What language is this?
What flowery words are they saying to me?
Can anyone help me with this?


Questions / Re: ....."The game is under maintenance"
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:57:10 PM »
yea, im pissed off with this. ofc they have too do maintenance, but why not post the date a day or two BEFORE they do it, and the time, so the players know and wont be  *Censored*.

When your car breaks down, does it tell you 3 days in advance? That would be great, because then you would know that you should schedule around that disaster.

Stuff happens. Perhaps there was a hardware failure with their servers, maybe there was a serious bug detected and for the security of the game, it needed to be shut down for a few hours. Either way, it's just a game, and unanounced downtime happens and affects everyone equally.

As for the language and tone you used, in my opinion, Judith was too kind. There is no need for that outburst for a game outage. It doesn't solve anything. If you have an issue, post it without being rude or offensive, and your issue will be addressed. If you do so with inappropriate language or attitude, then there will be consequences.

7 day forum ban issued

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion regarding hero quests.
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:15:53 PM »
I don't have time right now to discuss all of your points, but I can address the last one....

You can decide whether the completion of a storyline quest is worthwhile by simply clicking on the closed 'treasure chest' symbol at the end of the storyline. It will show you what the prize will be at that stage. If you don't like the prize, don't continue the storyline. The prizes are not all exactly the same for everyone, but are roughly the same value.

Also, what do you mean by 'Tier 4 elite final quest'?

General Talk / Re: The Happiest Day of my Life:
« on: March 30, 2010, 10:59:39 PM »
Imperage had no mercs because he didn't want them to be injured while making this "demonstration", thus requiring healing at a healer.
Locolive didn't lose health because Imperage probably dropped his weapon before the battle demonstration.

I just played the battle from his profile. To give Locolive credit, his mystic is really good at using Heal and Fountain of Life. Imperage did do some damage, but it was always healed by Locolive right away. That being said, this battle doesn't matter. There is nothing official about this thread, it's just for fun. If these types of stats (gold won / gold lost) were measured in the game (which they might be at some point), then it would matter.

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