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Messages - Lursofta

Pages: [1]
General Talk / Re: gold only market
« on: October 02, 2009, 03:34:48 PM »
New changes only complicate life for Premium members, not others.
Before - > premium member can chose his item and just buy it, because in auction house ~ 80% of all good epic/unique items was in Diamond currency and it means - competition are only other premium members for epic/unique auction items.
Now -> premium member must sell his gemstones for gold and only after that he can buy item.. this is little bit complicated, because for simple player gemstones are like extra, but they can play this game without gems to. They use to it! Now premium member have a concurrent's in auction house not only from Premium members rank, now simple player can buy what he want - he have gold but he don't have a Gems and if he want gems he can buy it from Premium members, because they need gold.

Changes isn't so bad how it looks form start.  :)

Suggestions / Re: Market
« on: September 18, 2009, 10:48:32 AM »
P.S. my post is not just my first sentence :)

I Was to lazy edit your post only with 1st sentence, pardon.  :)

Suggestions / Re: Market
« on: September 18, 2009, 10:35:52 AM »
...and believe me, demo_accounts know this game better than you, he play from beginning alpha server

Yes, of course I belive, but I didn't dispute he's play-time in this game.  ;)

Suggestions / Re: Market
« on: September 18, 2009, 10:31:48 AM »
10x, che & geo!

well, I think you haven't understood my complain :) ... or at least what you've written is irrelevant with what I've written ;)
otherwise - yeah, surely you can do all the things you've listed :)

well I understand after 1st your sentence that you can not find items, like epic between other rare or simple.. that's why I wrote my previous post. ;)

Suggestions / Re: Market
« on: September 18, 2009, 09:33:34 AM »
I gues you are talking about Auction House?
If its true, then you just don't know how to use it.

1) You can sort Item by his class, e.g.: Armor, Resources... and so on.
2) You can sort your item by Tier. e.g.: Tier 1, Tier 2.. and so on.
3) You can sort your item by Quality e.g.: Rare, Epic.. and so on.
4) You even can choose what kind of payment you need e.g. : Gold or Imperial Diamonds.
5) You can sort this all things together for the best finding for you.

Just try to click offten buttons in auction house.  :)

General Talk / Re: new features in game
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:48:41 AM »
Casino "falls out" from game-style, all game is in "old time" style, Arcomage is very interesting card game, we was able to play in tavern's in old times when Might & Magic was new game.  ;D

General Talk / Re: new features in game
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:13:37 PM »
...on polish forum is sugestion to add another profession: herbalist. he can be make potions from new resources which can be found in forest or from drop when you kill animals

And I was thinking: Strange, there is no Alchemist, Herbalist professions, like in other rpg, mmorpg games.  ::) , and if there will be 4 professions, even better if we will be able choose professions what we want - like Herbalist+Miner or Alchemist+Jeweler.. end more.. ;)

General Talk / Re: new features in game
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:56:13 PM »
and show were you dont have choice? look at statistics, there are players which only craft or only fight. you can do what you want but there must be some rules

Some rules, I agree, of course there must be some rules, but how it will change game? I don't like crafting but now I must, because 1 profession is only craft-work, and like I said before, some of us don't like resource collecting.. so why you don't want to make game better for all people characters? How it will ruin game or what kind of rules it will break?
It was just offer how to do some things better, but if administration is categorical against it.. all discussions is ower.
Don't look at this offer like - you must do that! Just try to see the best sides of game-flexibility.

General Talk / Re: new features in game
« on: September 15, 2009, 09:32:03 PM »
try solitaire ;D
This is a game that involves team playing
It isn't better to have the opportunity to choose all the professions? Then you could play all alone :D

Why all professions? We don't need all, we agree with 2, but we want a choise form all able professions.
I agree, there is peole who don't trust to other people or some one dont like human kind and he wannt play solo :)
Game must be with diferent play-style. Like: you can choose only pvp or pve and play game and feel your self good, only crafting or only resource getting..  Only Questing or only grinding..  those things seperate good game from bad game.  ::)

What will lose administration if they will give to us Choise?

Questions / Re: Identical ring's
« on: September 15, 2009, 03:16:43 PM »
Tnx for Answer.  :)

General Talk / Re: new features in game
« on: September 15, 2009, 03:13:39 PM »
"- The hero is allowed to choose one main and one collecting profession, but he can change them whenever he wants to. However, should he change his profession, he automatically loses all his crafting points and masteries."

Maybe better is to let choose for players take 2 profession's no matter what kind of? People are different, some of us don't like made some things, but some of us don't like to go somewhere and try to collect resources, in both case's people, who will chose 2 professions of one kind - they will have to buy goods or armor/jewellery in auction house, but we will have simple choise about our 2 professions, do we want to be a true resource collector or maybe we wanna be true blacksmith master, who can made armor and weapon of all kinds.

Don't hit me overmuch..  ::)

Questions / Identical ring's
« on: September 15, 2009, 02:42:06 PM »
I have 1 Question about Identical Jewellery.
2 identical Rings will give me bonus like only one ring or two?

For Example: I have 2 identical rings, they are giving to me 2% critical each. When I'll put them on, I will get 4% critical bonus or only 2% like from 1 ring?

Questions / Re: Tutorial
« on: September 14, 2009, 02:54:41 PM »
you need to be at least 5 level to have quests in tavern and you are just 4 level

I was able to get quest from tavern when I was 3rd lvl.

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